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Education & Training

As a service to its members, the Civil Affairs Association created the Learning Resources page to provide sources of education and training for CA professionals accessible through their personal workstations.

The page is organized in two parts. The first lists resources as part of or related to the Joint and Army Profession Military Education (PME) systems that can improve CA abilities to work in Joint, Interorganizational or Multinational environments. The second is an exhaustive list of non-PME related and non-U.S. sources for professional development well beyond standard military programs. This part of the page contains open sources of information for mission preparation and improvement of mission-related situational awareness and understanding, area studies, etc.

Such information is critical to CA success in regions and operational areas regardless of mission. It is also helpful for those conducting research for papers and articles.


Additions to the Learning Resources page are most welcome by sending an email to the Association through the webpage - please include links to the source pages cited.


Check out the Learning Resources page. Access is limited to members with their login credentials.


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