Submission Guidelines
The Civil Affairs Association's Eunomia Journal is published electronically at the liberty of the editorial board, with content provided by all Civil Affairs' components and partners. It will provide a forum for professional debate and discussion about the contemporary issues within the Civil Affairs Regiment, and promote the strategic use and understanding of CA by military commanders, policymakers, and partners through concise, innovative articles, podcasts and forum discussions.
The Civil Affairs community is a diverse collective of professionals across military, interagency, international, academic, non-governmental, and industry organizations dedicated to ‘securing the victory’ through engagement with the civil component of the operational environment.
Here we connect through scholarly articles, stories, useful announcements, and big ideas. We seek to engage in civil discourse that not only advocates for our mission but enhances the overall effectiveness of this truly unique tribe.
Our readership is extensive, but we aim to grow even broader. We aim for the content published in this journal to end up on policy desks from Washington to Berlin, and cited as foundational research and analysis on civil affairs operations.
Our posts are timely, relevant, and useful to both our members and the customers of our services, field commanders and policymakers alike.
Our content is meant to be consumed across multiple media domains, whether on a tablet drinking your morning coffee or on the drive to work with a podcast interview.
We invite you to contribute to Eunomia in the following ways:
1. Warrior-Scholar Corner: Academic manuscripts, approximately 1,000-2,500 words in length, with content targeting a myriad of topics relevant to the civil affairs discipline. Take your monograph or thesis and compress it into an article that can be shared with the community. These pieces might be longer but we will most likely not publish pieces over 4,000 words.
2. Article Posts: Shorter pieces, normal range of 500-1000 words. Here we are looking for announcements (like here or here), book/article reviews and recommendations, analysis of breaking news, or write-ups of civil affairs operators in action.
The CA Association has the smartest, most operationally-savvy, and highly-competent members in the military and interagency. This section also aims to highlight success from our members. From changes of command to special awards or any other stories to brag about our members. Share them with us here.
3. Team Room: This sections allows the Eunomia Journal to give back to the Civil Affairs operational force by providing a location to preserve and share institutional knowledge through 500 - 2,000 word articles that address contemporary issues, highlight best training practices, or offer solutions to common issues for those serving in an operational battalion or below. This is the spot to address leadership challenges, pre-mission training tips, or anything else that may benefit others currently serving.
4. One CA Podcast: Published bi-monthly, the One CA podcast aims to broadcast the valuable insights and lessons CA operators learned from challenging assignments as well as the latest from military, academia, industry, and interagency leaders. The One CA Podcast can now be followed on Spotify, iTunes, and Stitcher.
5. Annual CAA Call for Papers: This is managed by the CA Issue Papers Committee. Click here to see past publications and winning papers. Email the committee here for more information. Download Issue Paper Guidelines here. Consult the AUSA Style Guide and Citation Examples, available in the Research Library, as well as the U.S. Naval War College Pocket Writing & Style Guide or the U.S. Army War College Effective Writing Website here.
6. Job Postings: Need an employee with that ‘special something?’ You are in the right place – here is an opportunity to improve your organization with a member of the CA community. This is open to Active and Reserve Units seeking to fill open positions. Examples here and here.
7. Benefits for Veterans: Spread the word about unique opportunities and resources for our military veteran members.
Did you recently retire and learn a valuable lesson about the transition out of uniform? Share it with others in a short post in this section.
Join us in harnessing the collective influence of a strong community!
Warrior-Scholar Corner
Each week, our editorial board seeks to publish 1-2 pieces (approx 1500-2500 words, no more than 4000) on relevant topics to the Civil Affairs community. These topics can range across the disciplines - history, political science, economics, legal analysis, science, engineering, ethics and philosophy, sociology, etc – with the aim to inform and educate our readers.
Past articles have focused on CA operations, influence, strategy, great power competition, intrastate wars, civil information, non-state actors, unconventional, irregular and hybrid war, however, the sky is truly the limit!
Our editorial team vet submissions in the most rigorous, rapid, and useful means possible. Our review and editorial processes are oriented towards generating the most cutting-edge, impactful scholarship.
To submit an article to the Warrior-Scholar Corner review the steps below and email your submission to journal@civilaffairsassoc.org with the subject line "Warrior-Scholar Submission."
1. Manuscripts should be approximately 1500-4000 words in length*, in MSWord (no other formats are accepted).
2. Include a 100-150 word ‘About the Author’ bio at the end of the article.
3. Manuscripts must adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) with endnotes. It is critical that all work is properly cited. You can download a template here.
4. Photos, graphs, and figures may be used but must be properly cited.
* As stated above, we do not publish long research papers (over 4,000 words) that authors have submitted for academic coursework. However, those pieces can be tweaked and converted into articles if they serve our readers' interests. Email us if you have any questions.
Article Posts and Announcements
Here we invite our contributors to share announcements, articles of interest, book reviews and recommendations, best practices, or other thought-provoking ideas. Ideal submissions are 500-1000 words in length.
The intent of these posts is to facilitate conversation and debate among members, perhaps one day inspiring a larger Warrior-Scholar submission. If a particular topic or category picks up, the board will look into additional filters or sections, always keeping our readers' demands in mind.
These submissions may be written in the first person when relaying a personal perspective or point of view but as with all journal content, external sources must be properly cited in Chicago Style (17th edition). Some of our best content is from CA teams sharing their experiences from deployments. Many times this requires chain of command approval but it is these stories and experiences that are most powerful to amplify the CA narrative.
One CA Podcast
Have you had a recent experience that needs to be shared with the CA community? Are you or is someone you know a practitioner working on the leading edge of civil governance research or technology? If so, we want to hear from you!
One CA podcast is seeking candidates across the military, interagency, interorganizational, academic and industry spectrum to share their thoughts on civil affairs and related topics.
If you or someone you know might be an excellent future podcast interviewee, please email: journal@civilaffairsassoc.org
Link to past episodes here.
CA Call for Papers
The CA Call for Papers comes out in the Spring every year. The CAA will provide guidelines for the timeline, format, and topic after the initial announcement. You can find past essay paper winners here. If you have more questions about this effort, please email: papers@civilaffairsassoc.org
Job Postings
Because the Civil Affairs community is such a diverse collective of professionals, it's highly likely that in our ranks is the next superstar for your organization! This is open to military units looking to recruit new members to their formations.
To share a job posting with our members, please email journal@civilaffairsassoc.org
Benefits for Veterans and CAA Members
The Civil Affairs Association is a veteran organization. To share opportunities and resources** for our veteran community email journal@civilaffairsassoc.org
**Prior to publication, all submissions will be vetted to ensure they are equal opportunity, apolitical, and for the greater good of the veteran community. We are not a political platform or product endorsement forum. If you are a business owner and would like to sponsor the Civil Affairs Association or related event visit the sponsorship page or email us for more information.