The Civil Affairs Association Eunomia Journal is proud to announce the completion of its first Writing Contest for the “Team Room.” There were a number of great submissions and the competition was close. The articles covered a wide range of topics all relevant and useful to teams operating at all levels and of all sizes.
The judging criteria included (1) feasibility of implementation, (2) innovative thinking and nuance, (3) strength and structure of article, and (4) potential impact.
The editorial board for the Eunomia Journal decided to give-away 2 x Glocks rather than just one, thanks to the large amount of submissions and interest generated from all the great content over the past two months. The awards are as follows:
First Place Glock Winner: Adam Scarisbrick, “Holistic Thinking: Mapping Unknowns of the Human Domain”
Second Place Glock Winner: John Langdon, “Embrace an Iconoclastic Outlook”
Third Place Tie: Christina Plumley, “How to Win Friends in an Embassy” and Brandon White, “Emotional Intelligence and Reserve Civil Affairs” They received gift certificates in total of $100 to LC38brand.com
We thank all the contributors and encourage more submissions for publication to further share and spread knowledge to improve teams and their operations across the globe. Every author who submitted an article that was published also receives the prestigious Eunomia Journal Coin.

As a reminder, submission guidelines are here to help everyone with the process of publishing with the Eunomia Journal. The readership and community of interest has grown strong over the past months thanks to all the great content. Please continue to keep sending it in!
For those who missed this writing contest, there is still time to compete in the CA Call for Papers contest which closes on Friday, 28 August 2020. The theme is “Civil Affairs: A Force for Influence in Competition.” The top five papers selected will be give the chance to present their ideas at the 2020 CA Symposium in October. Click here to learn more.