Human Domain Solutions, LLC is recruiting Consultants/Independent Contractors (IC) to research and write Case Studies, expand and refresh course content, and execute classroom case studies at the Defense Security Cooperation University/West (DSCU/W) - formerly Defense Institute Security Cooperation Studies (DISCS), located at Wright Patterson AFB, OH.
HDS is seeking subject matter experts (SME) in Security Cooperation (SC), Security Assistance (SA), and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programs for this support. DSCU/W is using the Case Study teaching vehicle to present security cooperation enterprise workforce students with a critical management issue to analyze, proscribe and defend solutions/prescriptions, and enhance the teaching environment and learning objective of the applicable curriculum. Topics will focus on SC/SA/FMS technology release, acquisition and product support/logistics issues, founded on actual circumstances/events experienced within the program.
Selected SC/SA/FMS SMEs will engage applicable players, travel and conduct on-site interviews as necessary, compose a draft for review, present draft for DSCU/W academic staff review, incorporate identified edits/changes, submit for final review and, upon approval, prepare for local publication and use within DSCU/W curriculum development.
SC/SA/FMS SMEs will be hired as Part time/On call consultants/IC personnel at an hourly wage. They will be presented an allocation of hours and travel to accomplish the draft/edit/present/approve cycle for each assigned topic.
If interested, contact Kurt Marisa at Human Domain Solutions at kurt.marisa@human-domain.com and tele: 703-853-0928