Ideas are powerful. Share your ideas on how we can best integrate Civil Affairs activity to posture the U.S. into a position of advantage in this era of great power competition. There are many emerging changes in the Army and you can help influence thinking in the right direction. Download the Call for Papers here.
If you haven't listened to it yet, check out the latest One CA Podcast episode with the Office of the Civil Affairs Commandant. Click here to listen or on image below.
The Civil Affairs Association will discuss “Integrating Civil Affairs” in the 2019-20 Civil Affairs Issue Papers.
Civil affairs integration surfaced as the forefront issue for the future development of the Regiment at the conclusion of last year’s discussion at the Washington, D.C. Roundtable. In order for civil affairs to become a better Army and Joint force for integration across multiple domains and the human geography, however, the Regiment must first better integrate itself – then with those it works for, by, with, and through.

To address the questions laid out in the call for papers, the Civil Affairs Association and its partners invite civil-military professionals to send an originally written Issue Paper to the Issue Papers Committee by no later than the close of business Friday, 30 August 2019. Papers prepared jointly by civilian and military professionals are most welcome.
To better assist authors, they may find recent papers, reports, and articles – as well as an array of cited references and historical documents in the new online Research Library on the Association website (under “Resources”). They may also call upon the new Publications Advisory Board for assistance.
The top five papers will appear in the 2019-20 Civil Affairs Issue Papers, and authors will present them at the CA Symposium in Tampa, FL, 18-20 October, for cash awards per paper of: 1st prize, $1,000; 2nd prize, $500; and 3rd prize, $250.