2018 marks 100 years since the beginning of a modern Civil Affairs capability in the U.S. Army. What began as a small, ad hoc staff section created in 1918 for the post-World War I occupation of Germany has since grown into an Army Branch. In that span of time, CA created a heritage that deserves to be remembered and celebrated. However, the question is still asked: What was the path that led to the creation of a permanent CA capability? Click here to see the whole issue.
The articles inside this special issue:
Civil Affairs: the First 100 by Dr. Troy Sacquety
Transformation Training: a Focus on Governance by Major Jennifer Jantzi-Schichter
Megacities and Dense Urban Areas: Challenges in the Future Operating Environment by Major James J. Ontiveros
Shaping Authority in the Human Domain: Transforming Civil Affairs' Aperture on Governance by Morgan G. Keay
Civil Affairs Force of the the Future: Empowering and Optimizing the Future Force by Mr. Mike Dawdy
Civil Affairs Warrant Officers: Bridging the Technical Capabilities Gap by Colonel Tom Matelski, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chris Ludwick and First Sergeant Christopher R. Grez