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1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) 3rd Annual Winter Formal

Civil Affairs Association

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please join us to celebrate the season with cocktails, dinner, and dancing on Thursday, the 14th of December at 5 o'clock for the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) 3rd Annual Winter Formal

Pinehurst Resort, 80 Carolina Vista Drive, Pinehurst North Carolina.

Uniform is Army Service with bow tie/mess dress for military personnel and formal attire for civilians. Tickets are $65.00 per guest. Childcare will be provided for the first 50 children at $15.00 per child.

Visit to purchase your tickets and childcare vouchers.

This invitation is extended to all active members of the regiment. For optimal viewing on a government workstation, please use Firefox to visit the website. If the page does not load within 30 seconds, close the browser and try again or access from a commercial system (ie. cell phone or personal computer, within accordance of USASOC security policy and regulation).

If using a prepaid visa or gift card, please contact the servicing bank prior to purchase to avoid a declined transaction. **Travel and lodging costs will be the responsibility of the individual attendee

** Please contact, SGT Joshua Scruggs, below for more information or to troubleshoot issues with website access or ticket checkout.

Name SGT Joshua Scruggs Email Phone 910-432-7164

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