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CA Symposium in Chicago

Civil Affairs Association

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

CA Symposium 2017 - Chicago

The Civil Affairs Association

In coordination with the

National Defense University Center for Complex Operations

International Peace & Security Institute

Foreign Area Officer Association

Alliance for Peacebuilding

and the

U.S. Global Leadership Coalition

Cordially invite you to the

2017 Civil Affairs Symposium:

“Civil Affairs: A Force for Consolidating Gains”

Save $$ by Registering Early Online. Registration fees for members of the Association - $35. For non-members - $45.00. Cost is $50 at the door.

Hotel Information:

Hilton-Rosemont Hotel 5550 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018

Register Online for Special Rate:

click here for Special Registration Link from Hotel


Call 888-452-6943. Inform the hotel that you are under the Group Code: CAA

The rate is $99 per night plus taxes.

Friday lunch is included in registration Modified deli Lunch Buffet to include Chef’s choice of soup; Salad bar with two dressings; Assorted pre-made sandwiches; individual bag of chips and Chef’s choice of dessert.

Friday Night banquet cost is $75 Three course meal to include Choice of soup or Salad; entrée – Chicken, Fish or vegetarian (this also includes the Chef’s selection of starch and fresh seasonal vegetables; choice of dessert [Flourless Chocolate Cake, carrot cake or traditional cheesecake]; coffee and tea service.

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