Major April M.K. Moore, Civil Affairs, received honors as the top Special Operations Forces graduate for the Command and General Staff Officers Course Class 2016 in June. In recognition of her achievements she became the fourth recipient of the Lt. Col. Ronald C. Ward award. As a Command & General Staff College faculty member and SOF officer Ward left an indelible mark on many lives in his 31 years of military service prior to his passing in 2010. His dedication to the U.S. Army and commitment to the professional development of SOF Officers set an example for students to follow. Moore is the first Civil Affairs officer and first woman to receive the award. She earned the honor over 61 other joint SOF officers in the course. Moore is a 2002 Air Force ROTC graduate from Georgia State University. Upon graduation, she received her commission in the Air Force as an Air Battle Manager. In 2006, under the Blue to Green program, she transferred from the Air Force to the Army as a 1st Lieutenant in the Adjutant General Corps. She transitioned to Civil Affairs in 2009. Upon completion of Civil Affairs Selection and qualification, she was assigned as a Team Leader to A Co., 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne). In 2012, Moore deployed her Civil Affairs Team to Kandahar, Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Upon redeployment, she was assigned as the Battalion Civil Information Manager and immediately deployed to Turkey in support of the U.S. Country Team, the United States Agency for International Development, and the Syria Transition Assistance Response Team. After graduation from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas she will assume the duties as the 4th Infantry Division. Her awards include a Bronze Star, a Joint Service Commendation Medal, a Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the National Defense Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, a Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary award, a Global War on Terrorism Service award, the Army Service Ribbon, an Overseas Service Ribbon, the Air Force Training medal, the NATO Medal, and a Parachutists Badge. Moore holds a Bachelor of Art degree in History and is currently pursuing a Masters of Science degree in International Relations through Webster University.