2015 CA Symposium Agenda 6 Nov 15 Posted on November 10, 2015 2015 Civil Affairs Symposium“Civil Affairs: A Force for Engagement and Conflict Prevention”
The Civil Affairs Association
In coordination with the
National Defense University Center for Complex Operations
U.S. Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute
Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations at West Point
Foreign Area Officer Association
Reserve Officers Association
and the
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Friday, November 20, 2015
Joint Base San Antonio Fort Sam Houston Mission Training Complex Hood Street, Bldg. # 4012 Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Civil Affairs has long been a major national strategic capability that helps transition from war to peace and from military to civilian lead and control after major conflict. Increasingly, CA is being required to engage partners in Phase 0 (Shape and Influence), to contribute to conflict analysis, including identifying sources of illicit power as well as the distribution and use of political and informal power, in order to mitigate the drivers of instability and not just threats. In conjunction with Military Information Support and Information Operations as well as Foreign Area Officers, it is the only part of the Joint Force specifically suited for Peace & Stability Operations under Joint Stability Operations Doctrine and the U.S. Army Functional Concept for Engagement. All this brings up two questions: One, how as such does or should CA contribute to conflict prevention, in coordination with MISO/IO and FAOs as well as an array of government, non-government, and private sector civilian partners and regional and multilateral organizations? Two, what CA capabilities are required to support engagement in these ways? In addition to speakers and panel discussions bringing forward key lessons from past operations, Civil Affairs Issue Papers with observations and recommendations on the future Civil Affairs force will be presented for publication after the Symposium.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
18:00 – No host meet and greet, Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel
Friday, November 20, 2015
8:00 Registration / coffee, tea & refreshments 8:30 Opening remarks: Joe Kirlin, Colonel, U.S. Army Civil Affairs (ret.), President, The Civil Affairs Association
8:40 Symposium and Issue Papers Overview: – Colonel John C. Church, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Director Civil Military Integration Team, Headquarters U. S. Marine Corps, Assistant Professor, Immaculata University; and
– Christopher Holshek, Colonel, U.S. Army Civil Affairs (ret.), Senior Fellow, Alliance for Peacebuilding
9:00 Keynote Speaker: “The Army Concept for Engagement and the Role of Civil Affairs,” Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center and Deputy Commanding General,
Futures, US Army Training and Doctrine Command
10:00 Break
10:30 Panel Discussion: Civil Affairs in Engagement and Conflict Prevention – Current Civil-Military Force Activities and Recommendations on the Way Ahead
Moderator: Jim Ruf, Colonel, U.S. Army Civil Affairs (ret.), Senior Program Officer for Civil- Military Affairs, United States Institute of Peace
Major General Daniel Ammerman, Commander, U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) Brigadier General Austin E. Renforth, Commanding General, Training Command, U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Daniel A. Pinnell, Director, U.S. Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute Colonel Scot N. Storey, Commander, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne) Dr. Rosemary Speers, Principal Research Scientist, Center for Naval Analyses 12:30 Catered lunch served in-place
13:00 Luncheon Speaker – “Civil Affairs in the ‘New Normal,’” Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability and Humanitarian Affairs Anne A. Witkowsky
14:00 Civil Affairs Issue Paper Presentations
Moderator: Bruce B. Bingham, Brigadier General, U.S. Army Civil Affairs (ret.), Issue Paper Committee Chairman
“From Green to Blue: U.S. Army Civil Affairs and International Police Engagement,” Captain Rob Kobold “The Role of Civil Affairs in Counter-Unconventional Warfare,” Major Shafi Saiduddin “Civil Affairs Forces, U.S. Army Reserve, National Guard, and State Partnership Program: Is There Room for Engagement?” Major David E. Leiva and Major John Nonnemaker “Renewed Relevance: CA Develop Human Networks for Effective Engagement,” Major Arnel P. David “Civil Engagement as a Tool for Conflict Prevention: A Case Study,” Captain Tammy Sloulin and Lieutenant Colonel Steve Lewis 15:30 Break – Vote Tally on Issue Papers and Networking Session
16:00 Organizational Announcements and Presentation of Issue Paper Awards
16:30 Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Joe Kirlin, Colonel, U.S. Army Civil Affairs (ret.), President, The Civil Affairs Association
18:30 No-Host Cocktail Hour and Association Banquet Dinner (19:30) at the Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel, San Antonio, TX
Please bring appropriate ID to gain access to Ft. Sam Houston. If you have personal ground transportation, we encourage you to use it, pool with others, and plan for a 30-40 minute drive from the Wyndham Hotel in San Antonio.
Attendees at West Point Symposium, March, 2015 Attendees at West Point Symposium, March, 2015
Event Registration Roundtable registration fee is $35.00 in advance, $40.00 cash upon arrival.
Hotel Reservations
NEW!! The Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel’s special room rate of $119.oo plus tax has been extended until 27 October. Call 1-866-764-8536 and let them know that you’re with The Civil Affairs Association.
The web link has been shut down.