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10th Volume of the Civil Affairs Issue Papers Is Out!

Writer's picture: Eunomia  JournalEunomia Journal

With the generous support of the ROTC Department of Niagara University, the Civil Affairs Association has published Volume 10 of the Civil Affairs Issue Papers on “Campaigning and Civil Affairs.” In addition to an extensive report on the Symposium last fall are the five papers selected for publication, including:

  • “The Digital Screenline: Economy of Force in Campaign Civil Reconnaissance” Capt. Wayne Culbreth

  •  “A Civil Affairs Campaigning Framework”

Maj. Nicholas Ashley

  • “An Ocean Between Us: Civil Affairs from Shore to Shore”

Maj. John M. Holmes

  • “Civil Affairs as The Premier Maneuver Force for Winning Without Fighting”

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gregory Seese, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Rafael Linera, and Major (Ret.) Assad Raza

  • Campaigning the Campaign Plan – Focusing on the Fundamentals at the Combatant Command by Assessing Civil Affairs Operations, Activities, and Investments”

Maj. J. David Thompson

For a decade now, the Civil Affairs Issue Papers series forms the cornerstone of the Civil Affairs Association’s efforts to help deepen and broaden the formal processes for CA force development along the lines of policy, doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities (DOTMLPF-P). Now entering their 11th year of advancing a more strategic, comprehensive, and integrative understanding of CA, they also contribute to fostering a learning organization that goes beyond military command structures and the CA Corps, including allied and counterpart civil-military organizations, interorganizational partners, and academic and private sector partners.

In his foreword to the volume, Association president Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Hugh Van Roosen noted how “campaigning is not only the best way that geographic combatant and service component commands can leverage the full array of CA capacities and capabilities, but also the best way for the CA Corps to support and integrate with these commands at the critical theater-strategic and operational levels.”

Among the other findings are: how multicomponent CA and multidisciplinary information-related force teaming is the way forward to successful integration of CA forces in strategic competition, integrated deterrence, and campaigning as well as large-scale combat operations; and, how Army 38G Military Government and other functional specialists are proving of high value to campaigning by identifying human and cultural centers of gravity of theater campaigns and contributing to strategic and operational analysis and warning. Another is the need for dedicated maritime CA to protect vital sea lanes from onshore interdiction.

“We may be witnessing a ‘revolution in CA’ unlike any seen in decades,” he added while proposing an initiative to find a core strategic narrative for civil affairs that is communicable, understandable, and adaptable to a wide variety of audiences and situations.

While the findings, opinions and recommendations of this singular source document are representative of the extended family of the CA Corps, they do not represent official opinion of any kind. This document enables operator input to the CA proponent offices and Army, Marine, and joint commands and institutions, on professional and force development issues, giving voice to those with the greatest stake in the future of their enterprise. These papers are also increasingly read at major service, joint command and defense policy levels, including the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC).

The Papers are downloadable from the Association website.

Beyond this capstone publication, the Association offers additional discussion and discovery all year 'round on the Eunomia Journal online, the OneCA podcast series, its YouTube channel as well as on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and other social media.

While one goal is to mainstream CA into the larger discussions of the Army, Marine, joint force and national security issues, the other is to help improve CA professional cognitive and communication skills as a function of intellectual readiness and building human capital and global civil-military learning networks.

In addition to the fall Symposium, the Association runs an online Roundtable every spring. For more, go to Civil Affairs Association website.

And remember to subscribe or update your member profile.

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