Civil Affairs Association Professional Publications Advisory Board

Photo above is the late Dr. Kurt Müller announcing the idea of a publications advisory board and research library at the 2017 Civil Affairs Symposium in Chicago. A self-less servant of the Civil Affair Regiment, he worked tirelessly to establish this capability for the Civil Affairs Association. We honor him by continuing this effort in his memory.
Purpose. Founded by the late Dr. Kurt E. Mueller, Col., U.S. Army Civil Affairs (Ret.), the Civil Affairs Association Professional Publications Advisory Board comprises scholars and policy and publications experts to assist civil affairs professionals in publishing papers and articles in established professional journals to achieve the following outcomes:
• Promote individual CA officer and NCO professional development and Civil Affairs Regiment intellectual capitalization through the provision of advisory services, research resources, and platforms to that end
• Strengthen and refine strategic narratives to tell the civil affairs story to audiences within and beyond the Regiment who have impact on the development and future of civil affairs
• Mainstream the discussion of civil affairs in larger explorations of national strategy, security, and defense policy and operations, interagency and interorganizational partnering, in addition to joint and service force development.
Research Library. As a service to Association members, the Board also provides a Research Library to conduct research on academic or professional papers and professional journal articles. Association members are most welcome to suggest additional references (including previous papers and articles they have published) by sending the published version, in pdf format, to the Board at papers@civilaffairsassoc.org
Board. Board members are available to advise and assist CA professionals in conceptualization, preparation, and publication of academic or professional papers and articles. See which Board member(s) may be of the greatest help and request their assistance by emailing the Board.
Resources. Consult the AUSA Style Guide and Citation Examples, and the Civil Affairs Issue Papers Guidelines, available in the Research Library. Also consider the U.S. Naval War College Pocket Writing & Style Guide or the U.S. Army War College Effective Writing Website here.
Board members include:
o Brig. Gen. Glenn A. Goddard, U.S. Army, Deputy Director, Military Programs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Board Chairman
o Dr. Dana Eyre, Lt. Col. (Ret.), U.S. Army Civil Affairs, System of System Analytics, Inc. strategist, analyst, and program manager – Board Academic Advisor
o Dr. Karen Guttieri, Associate Professor, Air University eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education – Board Academic Advisor
o Dr. John Church, Col. (Ret.) USMC Civil Affairs, former President, Valley Forge Military Academy – Board Marine Corps Advisor
o Dennis J. Cahill, Col. (Ret.), U.S. Army Civil Affairs, Director, Civil Affairs Force Modernization at Civil Affairs Branch Proponent, U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center & School – Board Army and Doctrinal Advisor
o Larry Rubini, Col. (Ret.), U.S. Army Civil Affairs – Research Reference Librarian
o Lt. Col. Arnel P. David, Special Assistant to the Army Chief of Staff, British Army and Association Eastern Vice President – Professional Publications Advisor
CA professionals may request reviews of paper and article drafts or other advice and assistance, either from the Board in general or from a specific Board member, by emailing papers@civilaffairsassoc.org.
Publications. Professional journals of interest include but are not limited to those listed below. The Board strongly advises CA professionals research these publications (click on the publication name to obtain editorial interests and schedules and publication requirements) in order to determine which of them may best fit the purpose and design of their article, prior to seeking Board review or advice.
Army Magazine (Association of the United States Army)
Institute of Land Warfare (Association of the United States Army)
Joint Forces Quarterly (National Defense University)
Leatherneck (U.S. Marine Corps Association and Foundation)
Military Review (Army University Press)
NCO Journal (Army University Press)
Parameters - U.S. Army War College Quarterly
Prism (National Defense University)
Strategic Studies Quarterly (Air University Press)