CA Issue Papers
The Civil Affairs Issue Papers are the Association’s primary contribution to the intellectual capitalization, innovation, force development, and integration of the Civil Affairs Corps. They help civil affairs practitioners communicate to relevant institutional and policy leaders the findings and recommendations from their annual thematic discussions, at the fall Symposium and spring Roundtable. These issues are shared with military, interagency, allied, and other partners.
The non-official Issue Papers serve as source documents to enrich the formal institutional learning processes for CA force development along the lines of policy, doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities (DOTMLPF-P). At the same time, they improve CA Corps writing skills as a function of intellectual readiness and build its most important capability in its human capital as well as enhance the Corps body of knowledge.
In addition to helping the Corps become a better learning organization, the Issue Papers enable CA professionals from all corners to leverage their rich diversity and experience to find a common narrative on their profession for many audiences. Along with other Association communication platforms, they facilitate those with the greatest stake in their Corps’ future – whether active, reserve, special operations and conventional, and Army or Marine – to have a greater say in it.
To learn more about the Issue Papers and prepare submissions, download the Civil Affairs Issue Papers Guidelines. Also consult the AUSA Style Guide and Citation Examples, available in the Research Library, as well as the U.S. Naval War College Pocket Writing & Style Guide or the U.S. Army War College Effective Writing Website at: https://ssl.armywarcollege.edu/dde/ews/index.cfm.
Click on the icons and corresponding tabs below to download the Issue Papers and Roundtable Reports.