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The Civil Affairs Association

History & Purpose

The Civil Affairs Association was founded by the veterans of World War II following that war.  It was originally named the Military Government Association.  The Association is incorporated in the District of Columbia as a not-for-profit military profession association.  It is now recognized by the IRS as a code section 501(c)19 veterans organization.  


The purpose established by the founders was for the Association to be an advocate of  a strong and ready US Military that had a capable and adequate Civil Affairs force.  The Association was also envisioned as a military professional organization that would serve as a forum for professionals to present and exchange their ideas on Civil Affairs.

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The Civil Affairs Association's Eunomia Journal is published electronically at the liberty of the editorial board, with content provided by all Civil Affairs' components and partners. It will provide a forum for professional debate and discussion about the contemporary issues within the Civil Affairs Regiment, and promote the strategic use and understanding of CA by military commanders, policymakers, and partners through concise, innovative articles, podcasts and forum discussions.


The Association annually recognizes persons who have made contributions in the field of Civil Affairs.  The Colonel Ralph R. Temple Award is named for a World War II veteran and early Chairman of the Association’s Executive Committee.  This award is for outstanding service in the furtherance of the Association’s objectives. The John H. Hilldring Award, named for the Association’s founder and World War II Chief of the Army’s Civil Affairs Division, is awarded to persons for outstanding Civil Affairs military service.   


The Association provides the financial and administrative support required by the Civil Affairs units.  It also provides financial and administrative support to a variety of other programs that do not receive Government funding.


Click here to become a member


Bylaws of the Association were last adopted in 2018.


Click here for a copy of the bylaws.

Telling the Civil Affairs Story

For more, go to our page on "Telling the Civil Affairs Story"

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