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Active and Reserve Components Marine Units
1st Civil Affairs Group, US Marine Corps Reserve, P O Box 555123, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055
2nd Civil Affairs Group, US Marine Corps Reserve, Anacostia Naval Annex, 190 Poremba Court, Ste 211 Washington DC 20374-5817 202-433-3143/2956
3rd Civil Affairs Group, US Marine Corps Reserve, 2205 Depot Drive Building 3200, Great Lakes, IL 60088 CO and I_I: 847.688.7129, x 339
III Marine Expeditionary Force, Civil Affairs Detachment, Unit 35605, FPO AP 96606-5605 011.81.611.7222905, DSN – 315.622.2905

Civil Affiars
6689 Kodiak Drive, Fayetteville North Carolina 28304 USA
Tel: 910.835.1314
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
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