About Eunomia

Eunomia was the Greek goddess of law, governance, and good order. Ancient Greeks believed she upheld civil order and maintained the internal stability of polities and city-states from the malign efforts of Dysnomia the goddess of chaos and lawlessness. Eunomia personifies the charge of Civil Affairs elements who bring order, balance, and stability to the inherently chaotic environment of war and its aftermath. Eunomia’s endeavor to facilitate peace, justice, and lawful governance represents the efforts of Civil Affairs elements across the entire spectrum of operations and throughout the competition continuum.
Within the logo, Eunomia grasps a scroll in one hand, while wielding a sword at the ready in the other. This juxtaposition represents the bifurcated nature of the warrior-diplomats of the Civil Affairs regiment, who coexist between the realms of conflict and cooperation and regularly strive to expand their understanding of both. The color purple mirrors the regimental insignia, which in turn draws its lineage from the long-standing association of purple with political power. Finally, the olive branches highlight the role of Civil Affairs in “securing the victory” of durable peace after war’s conclusion.
Eunomia Journal branding developed by the Editorial Board and digitally designed by Angelina A. David
The Civil Affairs Association's Eunomia Journal is published electronically at the liberty of the editorial board, with content provided by all Civil Affairs' components and partners, provides a forum for professional debate and discussion about the contemporary issues within the Civil Affairs Corps, and promotes the strategic use and understanding of CA by military commanders, policymakers, and partners through concise, innovative articles, podcasts and forum discussions.
Editorial Board
Senior Advisors
Arnel P. David
Glenn Goddard
Daniel Ammerman
Christopher Stockel
Dr. John Church
Douglas 'Alan' McKewan
Bud Yarbrough
James Jabinal
Diana Parzik
Ryan Robert
Anthony Weiss
Robert Schafer
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Shafi Saiduddin
Managing Editors
Diana X. Moga
Kyle Staron
Kevin H. Chapla
John McElligott
Assad Raza
Rob Boudreau
Benjamin F. Ordiway
Jahn Olson
Sean Acosta
Experts Circle
Dr. Sean McFate
Dr. Aleksandra Nesic
Dr. Nicholas Krohley
Dr. Dana Eyre
Dr. Karen Guttieri
Ralph DiTrocchio
Morgan Keay